Uploading your resume to LinkedIn is a very easy — and constructive — way to search for your next not bad job.

Well-nigh people know LinkedIn as a professional networking site, only information technology's as well one of the world's largest job-posting sites. In fact, many employers prefer LinkedIn over other job boards because of its large pool of potential candidates and its wide range of filtering options.

Nevertheless, only having a not bad LinkedIn profile — as of import every bit that is — will non always exist what grabs an employer's attention. You should also upload your resume to LinkedIn because each one has a specific role to play in your chore search.

Why add your resume to LinkedIn?

Your LinkedIn profile and resume really complement each other — especially when both are well-crafted.

Your resume is a concise, professional person, fact-based certificate tailored for a specific career or job position; employers and then employ your resume to determine if you're qualified for their specific position. Your profile, on the other hand, presents a broader motion-picture show of yourself using more than breezy language and can include other information that wouldn't be on your resume.

And then, while a resume and profile work hand-in-hand to present a wider and more complete picture of what you tin can bring to the tabular array, employers volition withal want to meet a customized resume, not just your profile.

2 options for uploading

There are 2 options for calculation your resume to LinkedIn: using Easy Apply or uploading your resume to your LinkedIn profile.

Option 1: The Piece of cake Utilize process

With this choice, you can upload and salvage numerous resumes to employ when applying for specific jobs. This ensures you are able to utilise versions of your resume that include the required keywords that employers will be searching for.

Here are the steps for using Like shooting fish in a barrel Apply:

1. In LinkedIn, click the "Jobs" tab in the navigation bar.

how to upload resume to linkedin

2. Search for a job past title or location. Click on a job title to go details, and so press the "Piece of cake Apply" button on any jobs you want to utilize for. A note from LinkedIn: "If you see the Apply push instead of the Piece of cake Utilize button, you'll be routed to that company's website or job board to continue the awarding process."

how to upload resume to linkedin

iii. Upload your resume to include it in the application. LinkedIn will save the last five resumes you uploaded, forth with the engagement you concluding used each version, so you tin hands utilise for similar jobs in the future.

how to upload resume to linkedin

A good tip is to vary your resume file names to keep track of which ones are for which jobs so you can hands find them with a search. For example, Richard.Jones.Programmer.medico or Richard.Jones.Data.Analyst.doctor.

Recollect that a resume on LinkedIn should still follow the rules of good resume writing that you'd use for applying on other sites. Be professional, concise, and tailor each resume to the specific position you're after using your title, summary section, and the keywords from the job clarification.

Pick two: Upload a full general resume to your LinkedIn profile

This option makes a "general" copy of your resume available every bit a split up document on your LinkedIn profile. We don't recommend this choice for several very skilful reasons:

  • No Privacy: Unless you've taken certain steps to keep your task search private, all of your information volition be publicly bachelor from your resume with this process. This is a bad choice if your task search is confidential.

  • Lack of Control: When your resume is uploaded in this style, anyone can see information technology, copy it, download it, or utilize it without your knowledge or consent.

  • Prevents Customization: Uploading a "full general" resume means it's non customized for a particular task opening, which means Information technology will exist ignored by most hiring managers.

  • Poor Knowledge of LinkedIn: Considering it's not a actually a regular job lath, posting your resume in your profile tells recruiters that y'all don't sympathize how LinkedIn really works. Don't substitute your resume for your contour. Focus on creating a detailed profile that works with your resume to requite a complete view of your job experience and skills.

If you do choose to use this selection, hither's how it works:

1. In your contour, scroll downwardly to your "Featured" section (direct below the About department) and click on the plus sign on the correct-hand side to open a drop-down box.

2. Click on the plus sign in the "Media" section at the bottom of the drib-down box to upload your resume.

3. Click on your resume file to upload it equally part of your "Featured" section. Save information technology equally [Your Name] resume so you can locate it quickly if needed.


A few final notes for when you lot upload your resume to LinkedIn.

Remember that resumes posted to LinkedIn can be subject to scanning by an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) only as with other online chore sites, so make certain your resume is ATS optimized with the advisable keywords and formatting before you upload.

Attach a customized resume to each LinkedIn task application. This gives y'all the best gamble of standing out to the ATS and recruiters, which can lead to an initial interview.

LinkedIn is a very constructive place to find a chore, provided y'all know the best ways to include your resume when you apply.

Is your resume set to upload to LinkedIn? Cheque today with a free resume review.

Recommended Reading:

  • How to Create a Custom LinkedIn URL in 3 Easy Steps

  • Why LinkedIn is Important: 7 Reasons to Smooth Your Profile Today

  • How to Write a Powerful LinkedIn Contour Summary

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