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What Groups Are Working to Solve Distracted Driving


There are literally hundreds of organizations working to stop texting and driving. At the International Forgiveness Institute, nosotros know information technology's going to take a group endeavour to heighten awareness and start making an impact. Past joining forces with others we are empowering these groups with tools to be as effective as possible. Here are a few featured safety organizations that are fighting distracted driving:

The Anthony Phoenix Branca Foundation is defended to raising awareness on the consequences of distracted driving. We're on a mission to educate drivers, save lives, and end this deadly epidemic. In add-on to anti-distracted driving initiatives, the APB Foundation seeks to strengthen the local community through charity and outreach, while doing skilful deeds and "random acts of kindness" in the name and memory of Anthony Phoenix Branca.

Drop the "A" Word: In the "crash victim customs", the discussion "accident" is taboo when referring to crashes of this nature. People make a choice to pay attention to the road. When they CHOOSE not to do so, and someone is injured or killed every bit a result, it's not an "accident" – it'due south a crash. You can acquire more nearly this entrada to "Drop the A discussion" here:

Drive carefully… It'southward non only cars that can be recalled by their Maker.

A Hope to Adam is a safe-driving campaign started by the family and friends of Adam London, a 17-twelvemonth-old Newton High Schoolhouse (Massachusetts) student who was killed in a distracted driving motor vehicle crash on August 23, 2010. "Because he was taken from us too soon, and because he need not accept died, nosotros are channeling our sorrow into this move, the Promise to Adam campaign. It started as a simple plea, from Adam's female parent and begetter, to his many friends who gathered together the solar day after he died. They said simply, 'Promise us, please promise us, that you will clothing a seatbelt, that you lot won't speed, that you won't engage in risky behavior when you drive, that yous will end your friends from doing this. We cannot deport to meet another family unit go through this grief.' And from this plea, a move was built-in.

"We ask that all young drivers sign a pledge course making their Hope to Adam. Discuss this with your parents; brainwash yourself about the dangers of risky driving. Send your Promise to usa. Consider it a contract, follow its dictates, honor Adam London by honoring your pledge — so that he will non have died in vain. We encourage you to please sign the pledge to terminate distracted driving.Make the Hope."

For teens just learning to drive, car crashes are the No. 1 cause of death.

The Conor Lynch Foundation has been established to support new and existing programs that raise sensation and promote the safety of runners, pedestrians, cyclists and immature drivers in accolade of Conor Lynch (1994-2010). Nosotros do not terminate at what are considered typical distractions like texting, eating, using your phone or interacting with passengers. In our opinion, anything that takes your optics off the road, challenges your cerebral abilities and slows reaction times, is a lark and a danger. Nosotros believe supporting organizations that promote the rubber of runners, pedestrians, cyclists and all drivers is the all-time fashion to reach the ultimate goal of Super Safe Streets. Join us in Conor'due south Cafe, a neighborhood place filled with like people who have all been touched 1 mode or some other past distracted driving.

The International Forgiveness Establish is on a mission to reduce the personal and social costs of aggressive, distracted, drugged and drunk driving.

At DMV.ORG, we desire to make your life simpler. Our highest aim is to help transform the automotive and transportation industry in the U.Due south.—not only by automating DMV services and providing the best driver-related information and services online, but also by investing our resource in rubber driving and green transportation initiatives that have the capacity for real systemic bear on. We are committed to creating safer roads, a healthier planet, and happier people. Nosotros take data plant on each state'due south DMV site and condense it down, so you can admission what y'all need from one convenient place. This is a privately-owned website non owned or operated by any country authorities agency. Our goal is to complement the country agencies. We believe that by helping y'all find the forms, facts, and information you need, we lessen the stress and strain on country DMV agencies. We aim to shorten lines, reduce calls, and increase the number of informed consumers at the DMV office—which helps everyone stay happy. Easily accessed information for each land.

During 2017 there were 30 drunkard driving deaths every unmarried day (10,874 Total) in the U.Southward., co-ordinate to NHTSA

The National Prophylactic Council eliminates preventable deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, enquiry, education and advocacy.

Y'all can make a difference in safety. The National Condom Quango Rubber Ambassador Program encourages individuals to bring safety back abode and into their communities to go along their friends, neighbors and loved ones safe. The programme emphasizes the use of NSC materials, tools and resources for Safety Ambassadors to reach the public and save lives. Safety Ambassadors can make a difference in big and small ways, from organizing a community education effect on the dangers of impaired driving to ordering Warn-Me labels that initiate patient-doctor discussions on the effects of opioid medications. There were more than 40,000 motor vehicle fatalities in 2017, and more than than 1,000 people were injured daily by distracted drivers.

Currently, 47 states ban text messaging for all drivers at all times; 16 states prohibit all drivers from using mitt-held cell phones while driving.

Put On The B.R.A.K.Due east.S. (Exist Responsible And Go on Everyone Safe) is a not-profit 501(c)three whose mission is to prevent injuries and salve lives by grooming and educating teenage drivers and their parents about the importance of condom and responsible driving. When NHRA elevate racing star Doug Herbert lost his two young sons, Jon and James, in a tragic car crash in January of 2008, his grief led to his resolve to create a driving program which would help keep other families from experiencing similar heartbreak by teaching young drivers more conscientious and confident skills behind the bike. Originally, Herbert's intentions were to railroad train his sons friends and to give them boosted advanced behind the wheel skills and increase their decision making ability in a vehicle. In 2008, his start year of providing training, Doug focused on training Jon & James's friends and 50 teens were trained. The word soon spread and requests came to Herbert from hundreds of other parents wanting this same blazon of life saving training for their teen drivers, and then Herbert fabricated the decision to expand the program with the new goal of preparation every teen driver. He then created B.R.A.M.Eastward.S. which provides complimentary advanced commuter's education in a programme entitled the B.R.A.K.E.S. Teen Pro-Active Driving Curriculum. The schoolhouse is designed for teenagers, ages fifteen-19 (xvi-20 in NC) who already have a learner's permit or driver'due south license and accept at least 30 hours of driving experience.

Every 7 seconds, someone is injured in a car crash. Every 15 minutes, someone is killed.

Twenty-one year- one-time Casey Feldman (pictured at right) was struck and killed past a distracted driver in July, 2009 in Ocean Urban center, NJ. She was crossing the street in a crosswalk during daylight hours at an intersection governed past 4-way stop signs. She was ¾ of the fashion across the street, nonetheless the driver claimed that he never saw her. He was distracted and was looking away from the road and reaching for an object.

Joel Feldman, Casey's father says: "Since my daughter Casey was killed by a distracted driver in 2009, I have worked to develop distracted driving presentations for all age groups: high school to college students and "adults." Through my organization, Distracted Driving) , over the past seven years I have personally given presentations to more than 100,000 teens and higher students and about 20,000 adults over the age of 40. I accept besides worked directly with loftier schoolhouse and college students on specific road rubber projects. These students are affiliated with the premiere student leadership organizations in the country, SADD, FCCLA and NOYS. Some of these students have become role of an informal advisory committee for me. I run ideas past them, listen to their thoughts and in commutation, I am better able to communicate condom driving messages to students. I have nothing but respect for my millennial recollect-tank, and the students I accept given presentations to. To what may be a surprise for some, I find they are hard-working, polite, engaging, curious and sincerely committed to helping others. Watch a livestream school presentation by Joel Feldman.

lx% of xix-24 year olds and 50% of 25-39 yr olds admit that they text while driving
Source: AAA Traffic Safety Survey

Mothers Against Boozer Driving – The mission of Mothers Confronting Drunk Driving (MADD) is to cease drunk driving, aid fight drugged driving, support the victims of these fierce crimes, and forbid underage drinking.

  • Each 24-hour interval, people drive drunk more 300,000 times, but only near 3,200 are arrested.
  • Teen alcohol utilize kills 4,300 people each year. Candace Lightner founded Nosotros Salve Lives in 2013, as a representative voice on highway safety issues, focusing on the 3 D's, drugged, drunk and distracted driving. We Salvage Lives works with more than than 60 partners at the local, state, national and international levels, to reduce deaths and injuries on the highways.
  • In 2014, 10.1 million people reported driving under the influence of illicit drugs in the past year.
  • More than a third of teens mistakenly believe they drive better under the influence of marijuana.
  • In 2017, 15 percent of all drivers involved in fatal crashes during the week were boozer, compared to 28 percent on weekends.

On average two in three people will exist involved in a drunk driving crash in their lifetime. (NHTSA)

Candace Lightner, founder of bothWe Save Lives and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is recognized nationally and internationally as the moving force backside reshaping the nation'southward mental attitude toward drunk driving. She has been credited with saving more than 400,000 lives since her 13-year-old daughter, Cari, was killed by a multiple repeat offender drunkard driver who threw her 125 feet and left her in the road to dice. As MADD's Chief Executive Officeholder, President and Chairman of the Lath, Lightner masterminded MADD from a small California grass roots organization into an international corporation with more than 400 capacity worldwide and an annual budget of over 12 million dollars. Under her leadership, MADD'south membership base grew to more two 1000000. Ms. Lightner's political apprehending led to the successful passage of more than 500 bills at the state and national levels, including legislation raising the drinking age to 21. She founded We Save Lives in 2013, equally a representative voice on highway safety issues, focusing on the 3 D's–drugged, drunk and distracted driving. We Save Lives works with more sixty partners at the local, state, national and international levels, to reduce deaths and injuries on the highways.


  • NRSF: The National Road Safety Foundation
  • Official US Website for Distracted Driving
  • NHTSA: National Highway Traffic Condom Administration
  • SADD: Students Against Destructive Decisions
  • NOYS: National Organizations for Youth Safety
  • MSF: The Motorcycle Safety Foundation – May is Motorbike Prophylactic Awareness Calendar month
  • aaaFoundation: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
  • NTSB: National Transportation Safety Board
