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Swtor What to Spend Cartel Coins on 2017

Ben has been a geek all of his life, so his expertise tends to fall into gaming and technology.

Available items on the Cartel Market in "SWTOR."

Available items on the Cartel Market in "SWTOR."

What to Buy From the Cartel Market place in Star Wars: The Old Commonwealth

With the introduction of the Cartel Money Marketplace for SWTOR, at that place are several new things that y'all tin can purchase. Although the prices might not be final, you can preview the new market on the test server and check out all the stuff on there. All the choices might exist a petty overwhelming, though, specially if y'all plan on keeping a subscription, and so allow me assistance you focus on a few things that you should continue an centre on.

  1. Rocket Boost
  2. Ship Unlocks
  3. Cargo Hold Expansions
  4. Species Unlocks
  5. Cartel Packs

Don't Buy Too Many Cartel Packs

Earlier we first on what to expect at, still, let me requite you a piece of advice on what you might want to avoid. Although information technology's tempting to just dive in and get naught but a collection of the Cartel Packs, your luck is going to play a big role in what y'all're able to get. On top of that, fifty-fifty if you're planning on selling everything you lot become from the packs, the money needs to be in the pocket of the person interested in information technology. Your best bet is to invest in the things that you'll want in-game and only spend the leftover coin on a gyre of the die.

ane. Rocket Boost

For the price of 540 Cartel Coins, you lot can get the top level of Rocket Heave, which would toll you lot several million in game credits. This is especially useful when rolling a new character and in locations such as caves where mounts aren't immune. This really speeds upward your travel fourth dimension.

Spend your coins to unlock handy services and kiosks on your ship.

Spend your coins to unlock handy services and kiosks on your ship.

2. Send Unlocks

Information technology'due south very handy to have several of these things on your transport as you're going back and forth, and unlocking them for your entire legacy can be a practiced investment. Keep in listen, notwithstanding, that the costs in Cartel Coins are not representative of their worth in Credits.

  • The Repair Droid is 250 Cartel Coins, or ane one thousand thousand credits.
  • The Mailbox is 350 Cartel Coins, or 500k Credits.
  • The Galactic Market Kiosk is 900 Cartel Coins or 5 one thousand thousand credits.

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The all-time blindside for your buck would be the GTN and the Repair Droid. Yous can besides spend just 50K credits for a portable mailbox, so it'due south really not worth the cost in Dare Coins.

3. Cargo Hold Expansions

While it might be tempting to spend the 475 Cartel Coins to get an extra Cargo Hold, you should spend the 1050 coins and become one for your unabridged account. The cost keeps going upwardly and up in credits, but the cost stays the same in Cartel Coins. If you take more than than two characters right at present, or if you're planning on having more in the futurity, yous will exist setting yourself up for a much easier time storing items on new characters—and saving millions of credits at the same fourth dimension.

4. Species Unlocks

For 600 Cartel Coins, yous can unlock any species of your selection and exist able to use it for new characters. Considering it costs one.5 million for everything simply Human, it's not the greatest deal, but information technology's not an unreasonable one. Information technology'southward something to consider if you're running brusk on credits.

5. Dare Packs

Currently on the marketplace, the tiptop two packs are the Law-breaking Lord'due south Cartel Pack and the Occludent Runner'due south Dare Pack. Even though it'southward 360 Cartel Coins, twice as much as the Black Market pack, you will get two rare items. Even if y'all only program on selling it, it's likely that y'all'll become a better return on your gamble if you're taking this kind of pack. The common items volition probable be nothing to write home about, and you accept the chance of getting something actually rare and valuable if yous go this route. Although risky, you likewise will have the best chance of hitting a payday.

Keep in mind, though, that you lot volition demand to deed fast. The items are spring to you for at least two days, and the prices will fluctuate—no 1 will actually be sure what's rare and what'due south non at kickoff. Volatility ways opportunity, and opportunity can hateful profit . . . or losing information technology all. Be prepared for both. Y'all as well have the selection of selling the packs directly, which might arrive easier to become what you want in the long run, even if you're not going to luck into a big windfall.

What Will You Buy?

Ben Martin (writer) from Nova Scotia on May 25, 2014:

Personally I think information technology all-time to get the cartel coins through subscribing rather then purchasing them outright as I like the subscriber benefits and the dare coins are a nice bonus. One bad experience wouldn't sour me to them forever as at that place are several very useful things you can do with dare coins. I am curious what the item was that was faulty all the same.

Tim on May 25, 2014:

Don't purchase dare coins. You will never meet value or even get a return on them. I bought a faulty item. Customer service told me to watch patch notes. Still broken half dozen months later.
