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Find All Solutions of Sin 2 Theta Sin Theta 0

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Sin 2 theta - sin theta = 0

0 votes

where 0 is less than equal to theta less than equal to 2 pi?

  • solve-trigonometric-equations
asked Aug 14, 2014 in TRIGONOMETRY by anonymous

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1 Answer

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Sin 2 theta - sin theta = 0

2Sin theta cos theta - sin theta = 0

Sin theta (2cos theta- 1) = 0

Sin theta=0

General solution theta =npi±(-1)^n(0) = npi

n=0     theta =0

n=1     theta =pi

n=2     theta =2pi

2cos theta- 1=0

cos theta= 1/2

 cos theta =cos pi/3

General solution theta =2npi± pi/3

n=0     theta =pi/3

n=1     theta =5pi/3

answered Aug 14, 2014 by bradely Mentor

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Find All Solutions of Sin 2 Theta Sin Theta 0
