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Black and White Pictures of Really Funny Facts or Things

Examples of Black and White Bugs

Black and white bugs include Apple Maggot Fly, Asian Longhorn Beetle, Banded Alder Borer, Black Soldier Fly, and Black Swallowtail.

There are black and white bugs everywhere. We're talking about the insects that can be found crawling all around us.

Believe it or not, there is a lot of diversity among these tiny creatures, and they can be found just about anywhere.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at some of the most common black and white bugs that you might encounter.

We'll learn a little bit about their biology and where they live, and we'll also take a look at some interesting facts about them.

Examples of Black and White Bugs

1. Apple Maggot Fly

Scientific Name Rhagoletis pomonella
Type of Animal Insect
Range North America
Diet Herbivore

The apple maggot fly is a small black and white fly that can be found flying around fruit trees. These flies lay their eggs inside of apples, and the eggs hatch into larvae that eat the flesh of the apple. Apple maggot flies are responsible for causing a lot of damage to apple crops each year.

2. Asian Longhorned Beetle

Asian Longhorned Beetle
Scientific Name Anoplophora glabripennis
Type of Animal Insect
Range China, Japan, Korea, and the Isle of Hainan
Diet Herbivore

The Asian longhorned beetle is a large black and white bug that can be found in parts of Asia, Europe, and North America. This beetle is about an inch long, and it has long antennae that stick out from its head.

The Asian longhorned beetle feeds on the bark of trees, and it can cause serious damage to forests. In fact, this beetle is responsible for the destruction of millions of trees each year.

3. Banded Alder Borer

Scientific Name Rosalia funebris
Type of Animal Insect
Range western North America, Alaska through California, Washington, and in New Mexico
Diet Herbivore

The banded alder borer is a black and white beetle that can be found in the northeastern United States. This insect is about half an inch long, and it has a distinctive band of white markings on its thorax.

The banded alder borer lives in moist environments near rivers and streams, and it feeds on the bark of alder trees.

4. Barytopus Surinamensis

Scientific Name Necrodes surinamensis
Type of Animal Insect
Range North America
Diet Herbivore

This is a black beetle that is found in the tropics. It has a long, curved body and it can grow up to two inches in length. These beetles are predators, and they eat other insects.

5. Black Soldier Fly

Soldier Fly
Scientific Name Hermetia illucens
Type of Animal Insect
Range tropical/subtropical Western Hemisphere and Australia
Diet Carnivore

The black soldier fly is a common black and white bug that can be found all over the world. This insect gets its name from the distinctive black stripe that runs down the middle of its thorax.

The black soldier fly is a scavenger, meaning that it feeds on dead or decaying matter. It is an important part of the food web, and it helps to break down organic material. Black soldier flies can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, fields, and urban areas.

They are usually less than an inch long, and they have a black head and thorax with pale wings.

6. Black Swallowtail

Black Swallowtail
Scientific Name Papilio polyxenes
Type of Animal Insect
Range southern Canada
Diet Herbivore

The black swallowtail is a type of butterfly that can be found all over North America. These beautiful creatures are easily recognizable by their black and yellow wings, and they can often be seen flying around in open areas such as parks and gardens.

Black swallowtails get their name from the distinctive markings on their tails, which resemble a swallow's tail feathers.

7. Caddisflies

Scientific Name Trichoptera
Type of Animal Insect
Range Worldwide
Diet Omnivore

The caddisfly is a type of black and white bug that can be found in both freshwater and saltwater habitats. These insects are usually about an inch long, and they have a distinctive head shape that makes them easy to identify.

Caddisflies are predatory, and they use their sharp mandibles to capture prey items like small fish and other invertebrates.

8. Click Beetles

Click Beetle
Scientific Name Elateridae
Type of Animal Insect
Range Australia
Diet Omnivore

The click beetle is a type of black and white bug that gets its name from the clicking noise it makes when it flips onto its back. This noise is made by the beetles' hard wings, which are used to protect them from predators.

Click beetles can be found all over the world, and there are more than 20,000 different species of them. They vary in size, from just a few millimeters to over an inch long.

9. Common Whitetail Dragonfly

Whitetail Dragonfly
Scientific Name Plathemis lydia
Type of Animal Insect
Range North America
Diet Carnivore

The common whitetail dragonfly is a large, colorful dragonfly that can be found all over the United States. These insects are easily recognizable by their black and white wings, which are patterned with bold stripes. Whitetail dragonflies live in a variety of habitats, including marshes, ponds, lakes, and streams.

10. Cottonwood Borer

Cottonwood Borer
Scientific Name Plectrodera scalator
Type of Animal Insect
Range North America
Diet Herbivore

The cottonwood borer is a black beetle that can be found in the United States and Canada. These beetles are about half an inch long, and they typically live in trees such as cottonwoods, as their name suggests. They feed on the sap of these trees, and they can cause serious damage to them.

11. Grizzled Skipper

Grizzled Skipper
Scientific Name Pyrgus malvae
Type of Animal Insect
Range North America
Diet Omnivore

The grizzled skipper is a small butterfly that can be found throughout North America. It has a black body with white markings on its wings, and it gets its name from the distinctive grizzled appearance of its wings.

This species is usually seen flying around open areas such as fields and meadows, but it can also be found in wooded areas.

12. Ironclad Beetle

Scientific Name Zopherinae
Type of Animal Insect
Range deserts of western North America
Diet Omnivore

The ironclad beetle is a common black and white bug that can be found all over the world. These beetles are typically about an inch in length, and they have a hard exoskeleton that makes them resistant to predators.

They live in moist environments near rivers and streams, and they eat decaying plants and animals.

13. Large White Butterfly

Large White Butterfly
Scientific Name Pieris brassicae
Type of Animal Insect
Range Worldwide
Diet Herbivore

The large white butterfly is a common sight in North America. It can be found flying around meadows and fields, and it's one of the most easily recognizable butterflies in the world.

This species gets its name from its large size; adult specimens typically have a wingspan of between four and six inches.

14. Leopard Moth

Leopard Moth
Scientific Name Hypercompe scribonia
Type of Animal Insect
Range North America and South America
Diet Herbivore

The leopard moth is a large, white moth that has black spots all over its wings. It can be found in North America and Europe, and it is often seen flying around porch lights at night. This moth larva is known to eat clothes, so they can be a nuisance to homeowners.

15. Nymphs Of Southern Green Stink Bug

Scientific Name Nezara Viridula
Type of Animal Insect
Range Worldwide
Diet Herbivore

The nymphs of the Southern green stink bug are small, black, and shield-shaped. They can often be found crawling on plants, where they feed on the sap of leaves and stems. These insects go through five stages of development before becoming adults.

16. Polka Dot Wasp Moth

Polka Dot Wasp Moth
Scientific Name Syntomeida epilais
Type of Animal Insect
Range the Caribbean
Diet Herbivore

This is a small moth that has a black body with white polka dots. It can be found all over the world, and it typically lives in areas with warm climates. The polka dot wasp moth feeds on nectar from flowers, and it plays an important role in pollination.

17. Spotted Lanternfly

Scientific Name Lycorma delicatula
Type of Animal Insect
Range America
Diet Herbivore

The spotted lanternfly is a relatively new addition to the United States, and it has been causing some major problems for farmers and homeowners. This insect is native to Asia, and it was first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014.

The spotted lanternfly is a serious pest because it feeds on a wide variety of plants, including grapevines, and fruit trees.

18. Tritoxa Flexa

Scientific Name Tritoxa flexa
Type of Animal Insect
Range North America
Diet Omnivore

The Tritoxa flexa is a black and white bug that you might find crawling around your home. This little creature is about two millimeters long, and it has a cylindrical body with six legs. It feeds on plant sap, and it can be found all over the world.

19. White Admiral Butterfly

white Admiral Butterfly
Scientific Name Limenitis arthemis
Type of Animal Insect
Range America
Diet Herbivore

The White Admiral Butterfly is a beautiful creature that can be found throughout North America. These butterflies are black with a white border around their wings. They are most active during the summer months, and they can often be seen feeding on flowers.

20. White Cicada Nymph

Scientific Name Latin cicada
Type of Animal Insect
Range North America
Diet Herbivore

The white cicada nymph is one of the most common black and white bugs that you will encounter. These creatures can be found all over the world, and they live in a variety of different habitats. They feed on plant sap, and they undergo a dramatic transformation as they grow older.

21. White Spotted Sawyers

Scientific Name Monochamus scutellatus
Type of Animal Insect
Range Newfoundland southward to North Carolin
Diet Herbivore

The white-spotted sawyer is a black and white beetle that can be found crawling all around the United States. These beetles are about an inch long, and they have a distinctive white spot on their backs.

They live in forests and meadows, where they feed on the sap of trees. White-spotted sawyers can be beneficial to ecosystems.

22. Wood White Butterfly

Wood White Butterfly
Scientific Name Leptidea sinapis
Type of Animal Insect
Range England, Ireland, and Northern Europe
Diet Herbivore

The wood white butterfly is a beautiful creature that can be found throughout North America. These butterflies are mostly black and white, with a few orange markings on their wings. They are usually seen flying around in open areas near the woods or gardens.

23. Zebra Swallowtail

Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly
Scientific Name Eurytides marcellus
Type of Animal Insect
Range Florida
Diet Herbivore

The zebra swallowtail is a type of butterfly that can be found in the eastern United States. These butterflies are black and white, with bold stripes on their wings that give them their name.

They are usually seen flying around gardens and parks, but they can also be found in other habitats such as woodlands and fields.
